Saturday, 7 July 2012

French Connection

Yet again a long time since my last confession, oops I mean blog! although I do feel I have sinned when I do not write something each week? The weather has been pretty awful for everyone in the UK ,I know we are renowned for it always raining here but I think this year has and will beat all records even for us. Anyway that said,  at my place of work we have a French student come and do work experience and as a goodbye gift from me I did 3 caricature's of her in 3 different styles and from different view points.

Because of the language barrier, that is I speak no French what so ever, I was not sure whether she liked them or not. They will probably end up at the bottom of the Seine when she gets home?
I also was playing around with some water colours and the face of one of our talented Salesmen, (that is he could sell you your own clothes off your back and you wouldn't know?) and I think he came out a bit scary??

Again he is a nice guy, but I got mixed emotions from him when he saw it. I don't do them to win friends or favour as I am sure you can tell, I use to get bored doing nice drawings of people at the theme parks but as I do not get paid for any of these I feel everyone is fair game!
  As a poor starving artist I have never owned (until now) a real Moleskine sketch book!!! I have always got very cheap versions from Asda or other well known stores, as I am far to thrifty to spend that sort of money. My eldest Daughter has rectified this and bought me one as a present? How,  I do not know, as she is a poor starving University Student. I must be doing something wrong. Now I own one I can compare the quality and see the huge differences between. I also now own one of the best Pencils I have ever owned and biggest which you can see in the picture below, it is fantastic to draw with especially quick large sketches.

Not to leave my other daughter out she bought me these HOT sauces at Christmas and I have put them on a wide variety of meals over the last 6 months. If you are into hot food as I am these will blow your socks off. They come in different strengths and really add a kick to any meal. I am the only one in the house hold who likes HOT curries/chilli's so they are always made Mild and I just add a few drops of these sauces to spice it up a bit.

Unfortunately they have all run out now and like the sauces I have to go as well.
 Best Wishes to all.