Tuesday 15 March 2011

Yards of Paint

Well this week I have been busy painting, yards and yards of it to be blunt, but unfortunately its been with a 4 inch brush or a roller for my Mother. She is too old now to do any sort of decorating, so me and my brother and his son have started the total redecorating of her house. I now ache all over and came home for what I thought would be a rest? only to find my wife wants some decorating doing as well?? Therefore I have had very little time to draw and paint, and have just put a few pencil sketches up for this week.

I have not had a chance to enter Caricaturama 3K this week and only managed this sketch of Chow Yuen Fat and a couple of sketches one of the brilliant Caricature artist Paul Moyse and a college friend of my daughter.
I never intended to comment on the news here but the recent destruction in Japan is so alarming that I can only say my thoughts and prayers are with you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mate, thanks for your e-mail.

    Love the Paul Moyse pic I'd be very happy with that, cross hatching very nice.

